Maryland Newborn and Sibling Photographer | A fox theme for baby boy
The arrival of a second child is so different than the arrival of a first. Of course, both are equally special times for a family—neither is better than the other. But with the first child, everything feels so new. Brand-new parents take their first steps into completely uncharted territory. With the newness comes excitement, exhaustion, and honestly a little fear. But the deep, unconditional love they experience is unlike anything they’ve ever felt before. I love watching first-time parents. They aren’t quite sure if they’re holding baby right, and they’re still learning how to discern those confusing newborn cries and noises. They’re so sweet to watch on my side of the lens.
A Peace that comes from Experience
With the second child, there’s a little more peace and assurance that comes from experience. As parents, we think, “We’ve done this before, so we know that we can do it!” With the second child, there’s also the joy of watching the other sibling meet their best friend for life for the very first time. These parents are no less tired—more kiddos usually equal less sleep—but they aren’t quite as nervous letting someone else swaddle, rock or change a diaper :)
It’s such a joy for me to watch all of these families and capture those memories for them—no matter what stage of life they’re in!
For this session, big sister was so happy to cuddle up to her brand-new little brother and keep him warm and cozy on our white faux-fur blanket. His parents had a special fox theme in mind and we had fun dressing him up in cute little hats and posing him with his little fox friend. The Devoted Knits fox set was perfect! His tiny fingers look so cute holding onto Mr. Fox! I also love incorporating simplicity into newborn portraits. They’re so versatile and classic, perfect for warming up and bringing love into any space in the house!