Three Month Baby Portraits at the Rockville Maryland Photography Studio

We all love sleepy newborn images in those first two weeks. But just because your baby is no longer a newborn doesn't mean you can't have adorable baby portraits!  Three month olds are a great age to photograph for baby portraits. They are still very baby, but are starting to show personality with smiles and wide eyes.  Three month olds like to sleep a lot, so we can usually capture precious sleeping images as well.  Beautiful Maryn's session was the perfect example of an adorable three month old baby portrait session! babyportraitsSleeping baby portraits in rockville marylandbaby portraits washington dc girl baby portraits rockville maryland sleeping baby portraitsnewborn baby portraitsstudio baby portraits

We love the gorgeous frames that Maryn's family selected to display their sweet girl's baby portraits!

wall portraits

If you've missed the newborn portrait stage, you can still capture your baby's beautiful and memorable baby portraits! Contact the studio to book a session! And for a look inside other sessions and studio news follow our Facebook page.