Open House Giveaway Prize Winners!
I had the pleasure of working with three local businesses for my Open House event! They were so kind to support me and donate to the giveaway. As a small business owner, I'm always happy to support businesses in the community and I'm honored that others would do the same for me. Be sure to check out their websites to learn a little bit more about what each of these women-owned, mommy-friendly businesses has to offer!
MAMAS LINK: A social and educational community of moms and moms-to-be. From mommy and me classes, special events, semiars, to expectant events, Mamas Link hooks you up!
EAT-SLEEP-LOVE: Provides maternity, newborn, and child consulting serves to expecting and new parents. They offer a range of personalized services customized to meet your needs, including private in-home consultations, group classes, and webinars on fertility, maternity planning, breastfeeding support, eco-friendly environments, and special needs.
MOMME MEALS: Dedicated to making life, a tasty healthy happy life, easier for moms and their growing families. Through our local delivery service, Go Chews snack line and our momme meals™ recipe blog, we take the guesswork out of mealtimes by providing nutritionally balanced food options that are simply...delicious.
And the winners from the Open House giveaways are...
Momme Meals - Caryn F. Mamas Link - Kim S. Eat-Sleep-Love - Julie K. The Organic Bloom - Christie B. AND Megan F. Danielle Sara Photography free session - Stefanie K.
I'll be emailing each of you with details! CONGRATS!!!